How do you become strong in the Lord? Mike spent many years as he says, whining about his circumstances. But he also says he thinks the power of God becomes visible when others can see our joy and our servant hearts in times of struggle.


When things are going well, everyone expects us to be joyful. But joy from God transcends our circumstances. All of the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) does. Jesus becomes visible when our love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control are visible through our circumstances. 


This was a celebration. They completed building the wall. They read God's word for hours and everyone enjoyed it. The people wept, but both Nehemiah and Ezra and the other leaders comforted the people and encouraged them. Joy from God strengthens us. The power and the possibility of God, not just in this life, but forever, can be a source of joy and that joy becomes strength to endure, even overcome, hardship. 


How are you doing today? Can we pray for you? Send a note to [email protected] and we'll pray for you. Ask God to show you his joy and that joy can become the strength to endure whatever you're facing. And please share this podcast with a friend to encourage them, too.