What do you expect from Jesus on a daily basis? If our life doesn't measure up to our eternal potential, who will we blame? Jesus says here to ask and keep asking, seek and keep seeking, knock and keep knocking. Why? Why does following Jesus have to be so hard? If Jesus is so powerful, why must salvation be so difficult? Why must enjoying Jesus be so much of a challenge?


I think the key is buried in our fallen nature. We want to go on our own. We were created with ability and power. We are created in God's image. As a result, we all turned away to our own way. We try to do everything on our own. 


What if we only enjoy Jesus when we're looking for him. I think the only key to enjoying God daily is our expectations. If I expect him to act, I'll see it. And if I don't expect Jesus to work, then I won't see it. Often Jesus gives us a chance to participate, but it looks like work. We don't want to serve. We don't want to put others first. Our sin caused the world to break. And in this broken world, everything looks opposite. But when we expect to see Jesus, he shows up. 


Ask and keep asking. Seek and keep seeking, Knock and keep knocking. The difference between enjoying Jesus and being miserable is what we expect.


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