Do you consider yourself pretty smart?   In that same hour he rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and said, "I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children; yes, Father for such was your gracious will." Luke 10:21 ESV   Jesus says God hid something from the wise and revealed it to infants. Where are you on that spectrum?   First, let's acknowledge that Jesus is probably being a bit sarcastic. As he mentions the wise and understanding, I believe he's being sarcastic. This takes place right after the disciples return from having gone throughout the countryside and cast out demons and proclaimed the truth of the coming Messiah. Jesus is celebrating how God is working.   I consider this passage to be a reminder that true wisdom comes from above. And we can only understand it through obedience to God. Godly wisdom comes from the Holy Spirit living in us. He reveals that true wisdom to his children, those listening to him and doing what he says.   What about you? Do you think wisdom comes from experience or from books? In some degree, it does, but true understanding of God comes from him. Let's remember today that our obedience puts us in the position to know him better and trust him more. Then we're available to be used by God in the lives of others.   We also discussed a parallel verse in Episode 329, Wisdom from Obedience.