Can we really put God at the center of our universe?   "To the King of the ages, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen." 1 Timothy 1:17 ESV   What does something like this mean to you? When you read a Bible verse like this, what do you think?   For me, I hope it reminds me that I'm not the center of the universe. While my flesh wants me to believe that would be good, it would be miserable. When I'm sane, and when my brain can line up with reality, I know a statement like this is totally true.   God in charge must be way better than I can even ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20-21). When I see God's tracks, when I see him do something in my life or someone else's life, I can only say "Oh, Wow!" I don't imagine I'll be able to even talk when I see Jesus. When people encounter angels, the first thing the angel usually says is "Fear not." We think we're so big and powerful.   This verse helps me remember that I live for him, not the other way around. OK, God, what do you want me to do today? You have your plan. Where do I fit today? What can I do?   We're training ourselves to stay plugged into God, taking our orders from him. That's true eternal life. We get to live it now by following him. And we get his joy now, too!   Memorize verses like this so you can stay plugged in. If you get covered up by your task list today, remember, we want all glory and honor to go to the eternal, immortal, and invisible Creator of the universe.   Join a community of people who try to remember this daily. Check out and join the next Marketplace Mission Trip. It will help you train yourself to remember who you work for.