What does Jesus expect of us?   But Jesus said, “They need not go away; you give them something to eat.” Matthew 14:16 ESV   Today is the first day of Action Week on the Marketplace Mission Trip. When we hang out with Jesus, we quickly find we have a job to do. The story about feeding the 5000 is in every one of the 4 Gospels. This was a big deal. Probably more than 10,000 people had been following Jesus for some time. There is no fast-food restaurant around. It dawns on the disciples that these people are getting hungry so they bring it to Jesus' attention.   Jesus tells them to solve the problem.   Jesus left you and me here on this planet at this time to be part of the solution to the global problem. He called us to take part in the answer. We have a job to do.   Every day, we interact with people who need to see and experience Jesus. They need to know he cares for them. They need to sense his love for them. They need to swim in his joy about them. Every one of us could use benefit from sensing the joy and excitement Jesus has when he thinks about us as his children.   We who follow Jesus have been given the job of distributing his love, joy and grace in the world.   On this, the first day of Action Week in the mission trip, we're challenging you. Step into the call God has for you. This isn't just about staying out of trouble. This is about loving people. We've been given that job. Will we step into it?   Why not join us on the next Marketplace Mission Trip? You can learn more and join our online community at https://community.followerofone.org. What's holding you back?