Why are you doing this?   "but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence;" 1 Peter 3:15 NASB   Peter challenges us "to give an account for the hope that is in you." In the ESV, it says "give a reason." Our fifth daily habit is to speak for ourselves.   I watched another video the other day about someone who gave advice on how to turn a break-room conversation to spiritual things. I'm sure this person is very good at those things. But I never had a particular "skill" at manipulating conversations. Maybe I'm a 2nd class Christian in that regard, but my experience has been that most of my coworkers have one of 2 perspectives on bringing our faith to work: some appreciate it and some do not.   Almost no one appreciates us having an ulterior motive. If we want to become friends with people simply because we appreciate them and want to be friends, that seems more genuine than wanting to be friends with them to get them to trust Jesus. I have to ask Jesus to give me a genuine appreciation for others.   But I can serve others all the time. (I don't, but I can...) When I serve them, I'm talking about doing something for their benefit. Maybe I can change the way I do my job to make theirs easier. Maybe I can buy them a coffee. Maybe I can give them a ride. Anything like that is what we talked about yesterday. Often, when we go out of our way to serve people who don't do that for us, they'll ask. Why are you doing this.   Peter is instructing us. When asked, we should give an account. We don't have to try and turn a conversation. We just serve until someone asks. Then we can give an account. We talk about using "I" and "me" statements so we can do it respectfully. We didn't do it to get them to do something. We did it because we follow Jesus.   Today, practice how you would answer a coworker who asked you, "Why are you doing this?" The more natural you can make this the easier it will be. And you'll have the confidence to serve more, too.