Do you fret? What does it mean to fret anyway?


Hi, I'm Mike Henry Sr. with Follower of One. Thanks for joining me again today on the Follower of One podcast. The air date of these next several episodes is actually during our Marketplace Mission Trip. The second week of our Marketplace Mission Trip is action week, but I've been studying trust, worry, waiting, and things like that for so long. We spoke in the previous episode about Psalm 37:3, and Psalm 37 is a great chapter about not worrying, about not fretting. So I've chosen to continue studying Psalm 37, but I also want to talk a little bit to people who are on the Marketplace Mission Trip.


This is our action week - as we go into our workplaces to make a difference in the lives of people, worrying about the pressures of today and not trusting God can cause us to freeze up. Please be a free giver in your workplace today. Serve others, go into your workplace and make opportunities, trust God to give you opportunities to let you interact with the people that you work with.


Psalm 37:1 says "Do not fret because of evil doers, Be not envious toward wrongdoers." In a way, this passage is about evil doers and people who do their own thing. People who are selfish and about their own way. I don't wanna worry. Threat means to be agitated or to worry, and I do that. I don't know about you, but I worry sometimes when things are outside of my control. I've been worrying for a while because I want certain things to happen and I get a little absorbed in them.


In this particular example where all these commands about not worrying are related to evil-doers, I don't want to compare my life to someone who operates without God and gets whatever they want. Often we see people's highlights real on social media and things like that, and we think that the other person has it better than we do.


I don't wanna worry or fret because of someone who's doing their own thing. I've chosen my life to follow Jesus and to try and follow Jesus. I struggle with it every day, but it's easy to worry or fret in this particular example he is talking about because of evil-doers because I see other people who don't do what I do and they seem to achieve those goals.


I think often it's easy for us to become warriors because we want God to do something. That's not exactly what this passage is talking about, but we don't envy those who do something else, they do their own thing. Our job is to not envy at all, but our job is to chase after God. We'll talk about that more because I want to go through these first nine verses of Psalm 37 over the next several days.


Let's not be agitated and worry and fret. We'll talk about the consequences of that in a future verse, but today, as we go into our workplaces, and we wanna bless other people, we do not worry because of them, we do not envy them. We do not try and search for or build a life like theirs. We're working on a different principle - our job is to follow Jesus. We have been called to go into our workplaces to serve other people. He's put us into our job for the purpose of serving others so that He might be visible. He talked about it in Mark 10:45, He said "For even the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve," and our job is to go into our workplaces today, not worry about what's going on, but be free servants of the people around us.


Let's serve other people and when they ask us we can tell them "well, we're doing this because we believe." that's what Jesus would have us. Thank you for being a Marketplace Minister, and thanks for joining us on this podcast. Consider joining us in our online community as well. Head over to


Thanks very much.

Do you fret? What does it mean to fret anyway?


Hi, I'm Mike Henry Sr. with Follower of One. Thanks for joining me again today on the Follower of One podcast. The air date of these next several episodes is actually during our Marketplace Mission Trip. The second week of our Marketplace Mission Trip is action week, but I've been studying trust, worry, waiting, and things like that for so long. We spoke in the previous episode about Psalm 37:3, and Psalm 37 is a great chapter about not worrying, about not fretting. So I've chosen to continue studying Psalm 37, but I also want to talk a little bit to people who are on the Marketplace Mission Trip.


This is our action week - as we go into our workplaces to make a difference in the lives of people, worrying about the pressures of today and not trusting God can cause us to freeze up. Please be a free giver in your workplace today. Serve others, go into your workplace and make opportunities, trust God to give you opportunities to let you interact with the people that you work with.


Psalm 37:1 says "Do not fret because of evil doers, Be not envious toward wrongdoers." In a way, this passage is about evil doers and people who do their own thing. People who are selfish and about their own way. I don't wanna worry. Threat means to be agitated or to worry, and I do that. I don't know about you, but I worry sometimes when things are outside of my control. I've been worrying for a while because I want certain things to happen and I get a little absorbed in them.


In this particular example where all these commands about not worrying are related to evil-doers, I don't want to compare my life to someone who operates without God and gets whatever they want. Often we see people's highlights real on social media and things like that, and we think that the other person has it better than we do.


I don't wanna worry or fret because of someone who's doing their own thing. I've chosen my life to follow Jesus and to try and follow Jesus. I struggle with it every day, but it's easy to worry or fret in this particular example he is talking about because of evil-doers because I see other people who don't do what I do and they seem to achieve those goals.


I think often it's easy for us to become warriors because we want God to do something. That's not exactly what this passage is talking about, but we don't envy those who do something else, they do their own thing. Our job is to not envy at all, but our job is to chase after God. We'll talk about that more because I want to go through these first nine verses of Psalm 37 over the next several days.


Let's not be agitated and worry and fret. We'll talk about the consequences of that in a future verse, but today, as we go into our workplaces, and we wanna bless other people, we do not worry because of them, we do not envy them. We do not try and search for or build a life like theirs. We're working on a different principle - our job is to follow Jesus. We have been called to go into our workplaces to serve other people. He's put us into our job for the purpose of serving others so that He might be visible. He talked about it in Mark 10:45, He said "For even the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve," and our job is to go into our workplaces today, not worry about what's going on, but be free servants of the people around us.


Let's serve other people and when they ask us we can tell them "well, we're doing this because we believe." that's what Jesus would have us. Thank you for being a Marketplace Minister, and thanks for joining us on this podcast. Consider joining us in our online community as well. Head over to


Thanks very much.