Is there a practical daily result of you trusting God? Does trusting God make an impact in your every day?   Hi, I'm Mike Henry Sr. with Follower of One thanks for joining me again today on the Follower of One podcast. We've been talking a little bit about trust. And if you hear this on the air date, it's actually day four of our Marketplace Mission Trip, and our daily activity that we talk about on day four is serving others. I wanted to draw a parallel between trusting in God and serving other people. When we trust God, we're free to give things away and to share things, and to serve others. Psalm 37:3 is a great example of that. From the New American Standard Bible, it says "Trust in the Lord and do good. Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness."   Different translations have slightly different twists on the tail end of that verse, but the trusting in the Lord to do good is this natural result. When we trust in the Lord and do good we're living as if what he says is true. We live according to our belief in Him. In other words, believing in God isn't something that only changes us when we get to heaven. Believing in God changes us today. Believing in God gives us the freedom to live differently. We're free to look out for others more than just ourselves. We're free to serve other people, and that's our daily activity that we talk about.   Believers show up in the world because we're free to serve others. We're free to give away little pieces of our lives. The living sacrifice that the author of Romans talks about in Romans 12:1 is us giving away our life. It's living for something other than ourselves. When we live for something other than ourselves, we make that other thing visible. If we live simply pursuing our own desires and our own wants, then all we make visible is our own selfishness. When we can live freely serving other people because we trust God to make things right in the long run, that makes God visible. It makes Jesus visible.   Certainly, other people can live serving others, but our motive being our relationship with Jesus and our willingness to follow Him, is how we make Him visible in our lives. Eventually, we all come to this point where trusting the Lord is difficult, but if we can trust in the Lord and do good, then we cultivate faithfulness. We show our ability to follow God, and that comes from Him. I'm stumbling around a little bit, but my point is let's live like we trust the Lord, and that would cause us to serve others.   That's our daily activity for the fourth day of the Marketplace Mission Trip. In fact, we formed this online community called Follower of One to encourage one another, to live our faith on a daily basis, and to let our faith make a difference today and every day that no matter what is going on in our lives.   So I wanna encourage you today as a follower of Jesus Christ. First of all, thank you for following Him, and second of all, thank you for trusting in Him and doing good because it's part of His strategy. Finally, I want to thank you for listening to this podcast. Consider joining Follower of One. We're an online community, and our goal is to encourage one another, to live our faith on a daily basis, regardless of where we are in our workplaces or in our occupations, or wherever we are. Consider joining us, our website You can join that community for free. You can take part in the next Marketplace Mission Trip, which is just a two-week exercise to help us practice living our faith on a daily basis.   Let's trust God and stick our lives in the world in such a way that he becomes visible and hopefully other people will get to know Jesus, and we will experience this joy of following him and helping people live forever.   Thanks very much for being a marketplace minister.