Can dead people hear? Let's talk about it.  Hi, I'm Mike Henry Sr. with Follower of One. And today on the Follower of One Podcast, I want to talk about John 5:25. Jesus is speaking. And He says, "Truly, truly I say to you, an hour is coming and now is when the dead will hear the voice of the son of God. And those who hear will live." And that's from the New American Standard Bible, , the 1995 version of the New American Standard Bible. Jesus claims the dead will hear. Some think this is a reference to a passage in Matthew 27:52, where Matthew claims that the dead were raised on the day when Jesus died. And that may be true. But also we work with people who don't follow Jesus and they don't have the eternal life living in them. And there are places in scripture where people who don't follow Jesus are considered as dead. It tells us in Ephesians 2:1, for example, that we were dead in our trespasses and sins. People who are dead to Jesus and to eternal life, they don't have the eternal life. We have this life that they don't have. I've spoken on our last episode about how people who don't follow Jesus find difficulty with some of sayings of His. We have everlasting life. We have been saved. My prayer is that the church, the people who follow Jesus, not the organized local church, but those of us who are followers of His, that we will live in such a way that others will see. They will notice our life being different and they will follow Jesus as a result. 

If our life is no different than those who don't follow Jesus, we're in a sad state, but by asking God and doing what He says, we get to experience His everlasting life. I learned about the truth of eternal life, listening to a man, explain a passage of scripture, but I was listening because I was empty. I was dead. My discontent with my present situation, prompted me to go to this church and to sign up for this workshop that I attended. When we live following Jesus, the Holy Spirit causes us to begin to hear. We're dead, but we begin to hear. We can't make other people hear you and I. As followers of Jesus, we can't make them hear.

I've never heard of anyone being talked into following Jesus. Everyone has to make their own choices, but God causes them to hear. And when they hear, they live. This life comes from God, not from us. Our job is to live in such a way that Jesus becomes visible. I believe that's our role as followers of Christ is to live in such a way that other people would see the difference in our life and be prompted to ask questions.

Then they might get to pay attention and hear. So maybe this passage was about people leaving the tombs the day that Jesus was killed, but it also may be about the time someone, you know, came to Christ. Imagine having something to do with another person, trusting Jesus. Best reward that will never fade.

I want to thank you for being a marketplace minister. Thank you for considering how your faith can matter during your normal everyday Workday. Please follow Jesus actively in your workplace today. Consider the five daily activities that we talk about and follow worldwide. In fact, if you'd like to learn more about how to live your faith so that Jesus might become visible, check out our website follower of or our online community, which is community dot follower of

To learn more. You can even go on your own marketplace mission trip if you sign up for our online community. Thanks so much again for being a marketplace minister, and thanks for letting your faith make a difference. Your faith matters and everything we do, because we follow Jesus, matters forever. Thanks very much.

Jesus claims the dead will hear. Some think this is a reference to a passage in Matthew 27:52, where Matthew claims that the dead were raised on the day when Jesus died.

And that may be true. But also we work with people who don't follow Jesus and they don't have the eternal life living in them. And there are places in scripture where people who don't follow Jesus are considered as dead. It tells us in Ephesians 2:1, for example, that we were dead in our trespasses and sins.

People who are dead to Jesus and to eternal life, they don't have the eternal life. We have this life that they don't have. I've spoken on our last episode about how people who don't follow Jesus find difficulty with some of sayings of His. We have everlasting life. We have been saved. My prayer is that the church, the people who follow Jesus, not the organized local church, but those of us who are followers of His, that we will live in such a way that others will see. They will notice our life being different and they will follow Jesus as a result.

If our life is no different than those who don't follow Jesus, we're in a sad state, but by asking God and doing what He says, we get to experience His everlasting life. I learned about the truth of eternal life, listening to a man, explain a passage of scripture, but I was listening because I was empty. I was dead. My discontent with my present situation, prompted me to go to this church and to sign up for this workshop that I attended. When we live following Jesus, the Holy Spirit causes us to begin to hear. We're dead, but we begin to hear. We can't make other people hear you and I. As followers of Jesus, we can't make them hear.

I've never heard of anyone being talked into following Jesus. Everyone has to make their own choices, but God causes them to hear. And when they hear, they live. This life comes from God, not from us. Our job is to live in such a way that Jesus becomes visible. I believe that's our role as followers of Christ is to live in such a way that other people would see the difference in our life and be prompted to ask questions.

Then they might get to pay attention and hear. So maybe this passage was about people leaving the tombs the day that Jesus was killed, but it also may be about the time someone, you know, came to Christ. Imagine having something to do with another person, trusting Jesus. Best reward that will never fade.

I want to thank you for being a marketplace minister. Thank you for considering how your faith can matter during your normal everyday Workday. Please follow Jesus actively in your workplace today. Consider the five daily activities that we talk about and follow worldwide. In fact, if you'd like to learn more about how to live your faith so that Jesus might become visible, check out our website follower of or our online community, which is

To learn more. You can even go on your own marketplace mission trip if you sign up for our online community. Thanks so much again for being a marketplace minister, and thanks for letting your faith make a difference. Your faith matters and everything we do, because we follow Jesus, matters forever. Thanks very much.