Christopher "Soul" Eubanks  is a prolific and talented animal rights activist local to Atlanta, GA. Film-maker, music creator, photographer and organizer - Soul uses his talents to raise awareness about the the issues he cares about, especially animal advocacy. He is a co-lead for Atlanta Anonymous for the Voiceless chapter and Atlanta Animal Save Movement chapter. Soul was also a key organizer for the inaguaral Atlanta Animal Rights March of 2019 that will forever remain in history, and will hopefully mark the pivoting point of true change towards a kinder world.

In this conversation Soul talks about his personal journey - from hip-hop, to banking, to quitting everything and going back to school to focus on creative skills and then putting those talents to speak up for what he believes in - animal rights. We discuss different aspects of veganism, talk about various types of activism and how to sustain the "fire", and mention the beautiful shifts and recent events that give us hope for the future. Tune in to learn more!

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