Palden Namgyal Beri is a Tibetan monk and an Assistant Professor at Drepung Loseling Monastic University in India. Palden was one of the lamas participating in "Healing and the Arts" exhibition that took place at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, GA - the first stop on the tour of more than 30 stops to take place on this international tour.

During the exhibition week at the Emory hospital a number of lamas worked on creating a beautiful sand mandala of Medicine Buddha. The following Saturday a closing ceremony including lecture and chanting took place after which the mandala was dismantled and part of the healing sand was distributed between the patients of the hospital.

Palden speaks about the history, ritual and meaning of sand mandala. He shares his story of growing up in Tibet, escaping to India and becoming a monk. Palden also talks about fundamental concepts of Tibetan buddhism.

For more information abut the monastery and an and Emory-Tibet partnership please follow the links below: