Abigail Oberla, MS, APRN, FNP-C, DipACLM is a Family Nurse Practitioner and a Certified Lifestyle Medicine Healthcare provider. She works at the MinuteClinic where she regularly sees patients coming with specific and urgent concerns. Abby has found a way to weave in lifestyle medicine in very short conversations she has with patients. So we ran through a few imitations on how to make plant-based nutrition and lifestyle medicine in general applicable to most popular conditions, such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension and heart disease. Abby also talks about making plant-based transition easy - where fo you start? How do you plan for success? Tune in to learn more!

Some links and helpful resources from Abby:

Plantastic Columbus is the local PlantPure Pod she leads. Their personal FB page is: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PlantasticColumbus. However, if you're looking to find or start your own PlantPure Pod, please visit https://plantpurecommunities.org/plantpurepods/.

She volunteers with Kind Meals: https://www.facebook.com/kindmealscolumbus.

Virtual cooking demos for Community Development for All People and All People's Fresh Market. These can be found on her personal FB page: https://www.facebook.com/abby.oberla/ (the videos have links to these community organizations as well).

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/o.be.well/.