Hey there, folks! Today, you know how some politicians always try to use black people as props to further their careers? Yeah, that's a thing. And let me tell you, it's not just annoying, it's also harmful.

First of all, let's define what I mean by "using black people as props." It's when politicians, usually white ones, use black people as a way to show how much they care about the community. They'll invite black people to speak at their rallies, or they'll pose for photos with black kids, or they'll even use black celebrities to endorse their campaigns.

Now, you might be thinking, "What's the problem with that? Don't they deserve credit for trying to connect with the black community?" And I'll tell you, it's not that simple. The problem is that these politicians are only using black people to further their own careers. They're not actually doing anything to help the black community. In fact, often times, they're doing the opposite.

Think about it. How many times have you seen a politician use a black person as a prop, only to later turn around and support policies that hurt the black community? It's like, they're using black people to get votes, but they're not actually doing anything to help us. It's like, they're saying, "Hey, look at me! I'm with the black people! Vote for me!" But when it comes time to actually do something, they're nowhere to be found.

And you know what's even worse? When black people call them out on it, they get dismissed. They get told they're being "too sensitive" or "too critical." Like, come on, black people are supposed to just be grateful that these politicians are even acknowledging us? No, thank you. We deserve better than that.

Now, I know some of you might be thinking, "But what about the black politicians? Don't they count?" And to that, I say, of course they do. But here's the thing, black politicians are not immune to this problem either. They might be black, but they're still politicians, and they're still trying to advance their careers. And sometimes, that means using black people as props, too.

So, what's the solution? Well, first of all, we need to stop allowing politicians to use us as props. We need to call them out when they do it, and we need to demand more from them. We need to demand that they actually do something to help the black community, instead of just using us for photo ops.

And secondly, we need to support black-led organizations and initiatives. We need to support black people who are actually doing the work to uplift the community, instead of just using us for political gain. We need to put our money and our energy behind real change, not just empty promises.

So, let's not be fooled by these politicians who use us as props. Let's demand better, and let's support each other in the fight for real change. That's the only way we're gonna get the justice and equality we deserve.