Today's episode is unlike any of the other episodes that a regular part of Focus(ed) Podcast! 

A while back, as part of my 2019 goals update episode, I shared where I am at with my weight loss goals for the year and because of that it sparked interest for me to talk a little bit more about what I've been doing and learning this past year. 

Just over a year ago, Paul and I both started learning more about low carb/no sugar/ketogenic dietary changes. Throughout the course of learning and applying what we have learned, we have both dropped considerable amounts of weight, feel better than we ever have and haven't been hungry, cranky or on the struggle bus. There are very specific reasons for WHY all of that is, and I go over a lot of that in the episode!

Instead of me just hoping on and sharing everything, I had two friends (thank you so much Christina and Jessica!!) come on the episode with me and interview me. The conversational style was great and I am so appreciative that they spent the time to do this!

If you are interested in learning more, absolutely feel free to connect with me on Insta at either or @ketofocused

Some of the resources I mentioned in the episode:

(these are amazon affiliate links) 

MCT Oil Powder by Perfect Keto

The Obesity Code by Dr. Jason Fung

The Diabetes Code by Dr. Jason Fung

Why we get Fat and what to do about it by Gary Taubes

Complete guide to intermittent fasting by Fung and Moore

Ben Bikman on YouTube - presentation at Low Carb Down Under