Episode 41 brings Blue, Justin, Willy, and returning special guest co-host Forrest together to chat about the information available within Destiny concerning those enigmatic figures who we all love to hate - the Cryptarchs. While there isn't an overflow of information, there are certainly enough breadcrumbs to provide for an enlightening conversation - though one should be ready for some interesting trivia connections to the real world from Blue, as well as the ever present conversation about Paean and Rusty the Sweeper Bot from Willy. 

As usual, please let us know any feedback you have or any questions that you might want us to start considering for our Lore 101 and Spinfoil Corner series by emailing us at [email protected] or on twitter @FocusedFireChat. Be sure to also jump over to iTunes to give us a quick review on how we're doing - we are also available on the Destiny Community Hub app, as well as Google Play Music. Thank you again for giving our ramblings a listen!

Forrest on Twitter

Cryptarchy Mind Map

Other Links Mentioned in Show:

- Neuroscience News article on engrams (Link)
- polimodern's theory on engram and glimmer (Link)
- Article discussing new "Fast-Champollion Algorithm" (Link)

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