Previous Episode: Ep 39 - Crota's End
Next Episode: Ep 41 - The Cryptarchy

Episode 40 brings Blue, Justin, Willy, and special guest co-host grneyedmusiklvr together to chat about the first Crota fireteam to brave the depths of the Hellmouth - and their ultimate fate. Even if the topic is grim, however, have no worries - there's jokes and laughter at every step with the group as they discuss the nature of the psychological trauma of the team, the details of what we know about the individuals who made up the fireteam, and ultimately what was the cause of their failure to assassinate the son of Oryx. 

Please pardon some of the audio mishaps on this episode - Skype was being true to itself and decided to try to be as much of an interference with the conversation as possible. We are planning on taking a few steps to hopefully move to a smoother VOIP program here in the near future to make it a bit easier on your ears. 

As usual, please let us know any feedback you have or any questions that you might want us to start considering for our Lore 101 and Spinfoil Corner series by emailing us at [email protected] or on twitter @FocusedFireChat. Be sure to also jump over to iTunes to give us a quick review on how we're doing - we are also available on the Destiny Community Hub app, as well as Google Play Music. Thank you again for giving our ramblings a listen!

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