Episode 26 brings Blue and Willy together to discuss the slippery irreality of Darkness and Light within the world of Destiny...or at least to start the conversation of this massive undertaking. Touching on basic topics such as what are those Motes of Light we keep acquiring to a more detailed, Aristotelian theory on the nature of the Guardians by Blue - the duo try to touch on the majority of the larger theories thrown around in the chat this past week. And, to be fair - they do a pretty impressive job, considering that the deities of technology and the internet worked pretty hard to prevent them from succeeding. But patience and a fair amount of post-production editing creates success!

As usual, please let us know any feedback you have by or any questions that you might want us to start considering for our upcoming Lore 101 and Spinfoil Corner series by emailing us at [email protected] or on twitter @FocusedFireChat. Thank you again for giving our ramblings a listen!

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