Episode 25 brings Blue, Justin, and Willy together to discuss the Black Garden, a central piece of the vanilla Destiny experience - and something which still, to this day, remains a mystery. What is the Garden? What does the Black Heart intend to use the Sol Progeny for? How does Paean fit into this week's episode? We know the really important questions you want us to answer. We manage to cover the chat's theories,as well as delve into some interesting trivia about the naming of some individuals connected to the Garden, a particular set of seemingly random armor, and even discuss those little "Vex ducks" that are seen on the Pantheon crucible map. 

Apologies for the spotty audio - some of the team was traveling this week, so we were relying on the amazing hotel internet for a connection, but Blue did his best to clean up the quality and trim out those pesky bursts of sound for you guys. 

As usual, please let us know any feedback you have by or any questions that you might want us to start considering for our upcoming Lore 101 and Spinfoil Corner series by emailing us at [email protected] or on twitter @FocusedFireChat. Thank you again for giving our ramblings a listen!

Also, be sure to jump over to iTunes to give us a quick review on how we're doing. We are also available on the Destiny Community Hub app, if you use that app or would like to have quick access to a wide range of various informational sources on Destiny!

Follow Belle for more information on the Midwest Destiny Meetup!

Black Garden Mind Map

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