037 - What kind of company am I dating?   6 types of companies you dated before, or you are giving your love to right now:   Sweat Shop / Burn out program   Incubator   Couch Potato     Old Boys Club   Growing Organization   University     Put some rocket fuel in your career. Grow faster, make deeper connections and more money.   For more information visit focusthefire.com and join the community list to get fire in your inbox   Facebook | Instagram | Twitter: @focusthefire (show) or @dalanv (host)

037 - What kind of company am I dating?   6 types of companies you dated before, or you are giving your love to right now:   Sweat Shop / Burn out program   Incubator   Couch Potato     Old Boys Club   Growing Organization   University     Put some rocket fuel in your career. Grow faster, make deeper connections and more money.   For more information visit focusthefire.com and join the community list to get fire in your inbox   Facebook | Instagram | Twitter: @focusthefire (show) or @dalanv (host)

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