As students, educators, and leaders across the country work together to reshape education, standard district practices like hiring, promotion, and growth continue. Today, I talk with Dr. Natasha Rachell of Atlanta Public Schools about being a new instructional technology director at such a pivotal time. We address what folks are focusing on, the stigma around learning loss, and much more!

Thanks for joining us today on Focus on K-12, EdTech and The Education Experience. If you enjoyed the show, please subscribe. If you have any ideas for future guests or you’d like to contact us about the show, please reach out to me on Twitter @dkonopelko. Thanks for tuning in and we will see you next time, as we Focus on K-12.

Links to Resources from the Show:

Video Podcast 🔴

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Atlanta Public Schools 🔴   

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Focus On K-12 Page 🔴      


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