Do you ever imagine a different reality?

A new life that’s safe and full of kindness. With a future and hope. Where you’re supported on all sides. 

Diana does. 

One where survivors of domestic violence are able to escape and find the help they need to restart their lives and heal. Where they find safe haven, education, support, therapy, and a giant springboard to a kickass future, free from abuse. 

She isn’t just imagining this new reality. She’s building it.

And she needs people to come alongside her.

Because there are a lot of women and children in desperate situations. And hers is a big, BIG dream. 

In this episode:

Hear Diana’s incredible story (including how she shut a pastor up who told her she was wrong to divorce) and her vision for The Blind Investment 

Learn the lifetime cost estimate of intimate partner violence (in health problems, lost productivity, and criminal justice, not to mention family court), which illustrates the dire need for organizations like hers
Find out the Catch-22s most survivors face when seeking support from regular aid programs (like becoming homeless to prove you need housing while running the risk of losing your children because you are homeless)
Hear all the details of Diana’s comprehensive plan to tackle the six main barriers to fully escaping abuse (her organization is amazingly different from other domestic violence nonprofits in its scope)

Read or download the transcript here

If you are a Christian woman who thinks you may be in an emotionally destructive marriage, learn more at

I'll send you (free!) the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage, which has an assessment to help you figure out if your relationship is abusive or not. All you have to do is hop on my mailing list at

You can also find out about our online education and support program for women of faith at

And finally, if you are a divorced Christian woman who wants to take back her life and get healthy, lose weight, have amazing relationships, get things done, build a business or career, and even find a good man (if you want one) - check out Flying Higher at