Imagine two terminally ill children. Both are given three months to live. For one, there’s nothing doctors can do—death is certain. The disease is incurable and untreatable. 

For the second, there’s a life-saving treatment available. If it isn’t taken, the next three months will be a slow, excruciating crawl toward the end. If the treatment is started as soon as possible, the child will live and—what’s more—thrive.

Family, friends, and church leaders of the second child gather around and declare that the life-saving treatment shouldn’t be accepted. Since the first child’s death is certain, it would be best for the second child to accept death as well. The second child should die. In fact, not only is it right to condemn the second child to death, but their suffering and pain will bring glory to God. 

One more thing. The second child is YOUR child. 


I have some. So listen in. 

In this episode:

The 3 main problems with the “suffer like Job” argumentWhat the world would be like if this faulty logic workedThe difference between Job (and Saul) and abused women (it’s not the lack of beards)What your role and what’s hanging between your legs have to do with each other (SURPRISE: NOTHING! YAY!)A one-two punch of resources to combat the “God hates divorce” lie (it’s more like a 20-30 knockout, but you get the drift)What translations of the Bible have to do with all thisWomen who are beasts and like to shovel snow (I swear, it’s relevant)

Access the transcript, read the show notes, and/or ask Natalie a question here

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