What’s the needed shift for leaders in today’s business environment?

Traditional approaches revolved around ‘Acts of Heroism’- a bias towards rescue and solving issues to get things done fast. More effective now, is ‘Operating in Moments of Silence’. This empowers team members to step up and solve problems on their own, to become great leaders themselves. 

Results come when a leader holds each team member accountable plus encourages their sense of accomplishment. 

Dave McKeown helps individuals, teams, and organizations achieve excellence by doing the ordinary things extraordinarily well. He is the CEO of Outfield Leadership and author of The Self-Evolved Leader - Elevate Your Focus and Develop Your People in a World That Refuses to Slow Down. His specialty lies in connecting individual and team performance to improve business results with a particular focus on fast-growing, complex organizations. 

In this episode, Dave talks about how peer-to-peer leadership develops their sense of worth, empowering them to find solutions on their own and become effective leaders themselves.  


What you will learn from this episode: 

Learn how to shift from a mindset of mediocrity to a mindset of excellence Find out the key disciplines of great leadership  Learn how to do ordinary things extraordinarily well so as to become not just good but a great leader 


“I think that we have mythologized great leaders, often to the point where we've got this message that says, 'You have to have some great visionary perspective on life to be a great leader', whereas actually being a great leader is all about doing those ordinary things extraordinarily well.”  

- Dave McKeown 


Topics Covered: 

03:04 - How should leaders do ordinary things extraordinarily well 

04:53 - Good leadership never happens by osmosis  

06:13 - Shifting from the cycle of mediocrity to a cycle of excellence 

08:20 - Five key disciplines to help you achieve your goals 

11:10 - FREE resource - download the first chapter of the book called Self-Evolve Leader: https://www.selfevolvedleader.com/ 

11:45 - What’s the future of great leadership look like? 

13:36 - The curiosity, care, and compassion side of leadership 

Key Takeaways: 

“There are plenty of good leaders out there. But in order to help them become truly great, it's all about focusing on doing those ordinary things extraordinarily well. So, getting 1% better tomorrow, getting 1% better the next day, over a prolonged period of time.”  

“For me, the shift from that cycle of mediocrity that we talked about towards the cycle of excellence, which is where you're really developing your people and thinking more strategically like any other behavioral shift has to start with a mindset or a perspective shift.”  

“Being a great leader is being a good delegator, but also ensuring that your people are developing as a result of that.” 

“Discipline is to build shared accountability in your team so that it's not a top-down thing. Did you do this? Here are your goals? Why are you not doing this? It's more a peer to peer sense of, we're all working towards some common goals here. So, let's find a way to hold each other accountable.” 


Resources Mentioned: 

Get your FREE download of the first chapter of the book entitled ‘The Self-Evolved Leader’. Click here: https://www.selfevolvedleader.com/ 


Connect with Dave McKeown: 

Website: https://www.selfevolvedleader.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/davemckeown Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/davejmckeown/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davemckeown/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/davemckeown1/ 

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