I watched the Wayne Dyer documentary/film recently for the 5th time probably as I always find it so inspiring...

"The Shift" (click on the  link, free to watch on youTube).

Wayne Dyer explores the spiritual journey in the second half of life when we long to find the purpose that is our unique contribution to the world.

We all have a moment that turns our values upside down he says and if we had not yet had our "Shift" the Pandemic this past year has felt like such a big Shift for us all with so many lessons to be learned.

What I find fascinating is the massive change in Men's and Women's priorities before and after the Shift.

( From a study of thousands on men and women).

☀️  Women's priorities in order of importance before the Shift are 

1. Family

2. Sense of Independence

3. Career

4. Fitting in

5 Attractiveness

After the Shift

1. My own personal growth 

2. Sense of Self esteem

3. Spirituality

4. Happiness

5 Forgiveness

☀️ Men's priorities in order of importance before the Shift are

1. Wealth accumulation

2. Sense of adventure

3. Achievement 

4. Pursuing Pleasure

5 To be respected

After the Shift

1. Spirituality 

2. Personal peace

3. Family

4. Gods will

5 Honesty, openness

Any thoughts on all this? Would love your comments


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