In this episode, Alessandro takes us through a short meditation to calm the emotions, relieve stress from the body and improve the quality of your sleep

Central to Qigong practice is understanding and using the breath to settle the mind and body. When you connect deeply with the breath you are able to connect with universal energy ‘The Qi’’ for self-healing, mental clarity and inspiration and this meditation is a powerful way to begin



It’s important in meditation for the spine to become straight meaning the energy can flow easily through your body
Breathe out and clear the stuffy air from your body. Breathe the fresh air in from all around you
Breath fresh air in and stale air out, oxygenating the blood and helping your circulation
In the Chinese tradition, we cultivate and store the energy
Bringing the breath down settles the emotions
Absorb the energy from the earth and the heavenly energy coming down
When you connect deeply with the breath you are connecting with universal energy ‘The Qi’
Central in Qigong practice is connecting to universal energy for self-healing, mental clarity, and inspiration



‘In Qigong practice the breath is used to settle the body and mind to feel grounded, connected and at peace’

‘Imagine every cell in your body smiling’






Alessandro Ferullo.

My mission is to empower and inspire you to feel de-stressed, better connected, open-hearted, and realise more of your true potential. Helping to transform your view of life for the better… 

This Podcast brings you inspiring guests to help you navigate through challenging times with greater Ease. Short meditations, Ancient Wisdom &, Qigong Ideas ( a 4,000 year old Art of energy practice.)  “Remember, Always keep a smile in your Heart”.

I am Italian, born in Indonesia living in the UK and lived in 6 different countries before the age of 10.

From a young age, I was always searching for deeper meaning in life, asking deeper questions on why we are here on this planet.

I was introduced to the Art and practice of Qigong over thirty years ago and have been teaching for over fifteen years. My mission is to empower and inspire others to feel de-stressed, better connected, open-hearted,  and realise more of  their potential with Qigong



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