Tracey is a functional breathwork instructor and free diver who has studied the science of the breath and in this episode, she discusses with Alessandro  the importance of understanding how you can use your breath to make positive changes in your life

Tracey explains how functional breathing  works and how with self-awareness it can be effectively used to improve all aspects of performance and help with anxiety and sleep patterns

This is a fascinating insight into breathing, something we all have to do, and how we can learn techniques that can bring positive change



I help my clients achieve a state of mind where they can feel calm within themselves 
The breath can be used as a tangible anchor and there are techniques that people can learn
Functional breathing techniques can help with all aspects of performance
Nasal breathing is the key to functional breathing as it oxygenates the blood more effectively
Extending the exhale shifts the nervous system from fight or flight to rest and digest
People with anxiety will typically be upper chest breathers
with a deeper understanding of their breathing people can make changes that become positive habits
We all breathe and with self-awareness, we can improve it
We have the power within ourselves and when you  have learnt the techniques and experienced positive change you will want to adapt your breathing



‘You can change your breathing to improve performance, sleep and reduce anxiety’

‘We are giving people ways to improve the tools they already have’

‘You can shift your breath in ninety seconds’

‘Empowering children to understand more about their breathing will help them throughout their lives’



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Tracey Howes

Functional Breathwork Instructor & Freediver

Tracey Howes is an Advanced Oxygen Advantage Instructor and RAID freediver based on the south coast of England.


Freediving is a form of underwater diving that relies on breath-holding until resurfacing rather than the use of breathing apparatus. This specialised training and her own health needs inspired Tracey to expand her knowledge of functional breathing to improve general health and wellbeing.

By incorporating scientifically proven breathwork techniques into daily practice and training programmes, Tracey’s clients have transformed their breathing habits to build confidence, improve focus and concentration, enhance sleep quality (insomnia, snoring, sleep apnea), reduce anxiety and stress, train for marathons and prepare to swim The English Channel.

Tracey is particularly interested in how hormonal fluctuations affect women’s breathing and overall quality of life. She is committed to sharing evidence-based research to shine a light on the subject and empower her clients.

Clients include recreational athletes, corporate leaders and teams, independent business owners, families and teens, amongst others. Tracey collaborates with trusted wellbeing practitioners should clients require additional support.

The eternal student, Tracey is passionate about sharing breathing education and practical exercises which can be applied in day-to-day activities with meaningful, measurable and long-lasting results.



Alessandro Ferullo.

My mission is to empower and inspire you to feel de-stressed, better connected, open-hearted, and realise more of your true potential. Helping to transform your view of life for the better… 

This Podcast brings you inspiring guests to help you navigate through challenging times with greater Ease. Short meditations, Ancient Wisdom &, Qigong Ideas ( a 4,000 year old Art of energy practice.)  “Remember, Always keep a smile in your Heart”.

I am Italian, born in Indonesia living in the UK and lived in 6 different countries before the age of 10.

From a young age, I was always searching for deeper meaning in life, asking deeper questions on why we are here on this planet.

I was introduced to the Art and practice of Qigong over thirty years ago and have been teaching for over fifteen years. My mission is to empower and inspire others to feel de-stressed, better connected, open-hearted,  and realise more of their potential with Qigong



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"Wellbeing in the workplace" Click on link for a chat & to arrange a Free taster session


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