Graham Sherman is a self-professed “high-level geek” who met his business’ Co-founder while working throughout Afghanistan on contracts for the Canadian and US governments and military forces installing encrypted, tactical communication networks. While overseas, they rolled around Afghanistan in armored vehicles, “geeking out” in the world of satellite communications. But when back home in Calgary, they aimed their obsessive, high-level thinking at perfecting batches of craft beer brewed out of Graham’s backyard Tool Shed.

Now sold in over 1000 locations throughout Canada, Tool Shed Brewing Company has a beautiful 22,000 square foot brewing headquarters in Calgary.

When Graham’s NOT at the brewery he can be found speaking across the country delivering keynotes on entrepreneurial passion, disruptive marketing, and promoting local agriculture!

Graham has been nominated as Canadian Entrepreneur of the year, was named as Calgary's 2016 “Top 40 Under 40” recognition from Avenue magazine, and is a recipient of the 2018 business leaders in Calgary award. In 2020 Graham received the tremendous honour of being selected as one of Canada's 250 emerging leaders to embark on the Governor-General of Canada's leadership convention.