This Mental Health Week, our focus on Mental Health goes beyond just your workplace and the individual and impacts families. It’s time to put the HUMAN back in work.

Leora Hornstein is a passionate health and wellness professional focused on cultivating individual and

organizational well-being. Leora is a certified Occupational Health Nurse and has worked in various

industries but predominantly in Oil and Gas where she has worked for over 15 years. She is also a fitness

and yoga instructor and relies on physical activity to counter the challenges of her busy life! In moments

between working full time and being a mom of three active boys, you can find Leora on a spin bike, on a

walk in nature, or in the kitchen cooking up nutritious food. Leora most enjoys the diversity of her role,

though her current scope of practice is centered around mental health and total wellness protection and

promotion. Presently, she is most grateful for being in love with life and recognizing this and waking up

each day feeling a sense of honour in fulfilling her life’s purpose by doing work that serves others. Leora

knows there is always something good to be found - you just need to look for it and hopes to nurture

this sentiment in others.