Why are things the way the are? And how can we make them better?

These are two of the questions that Gary asks himself every day and that he shared with me during this powerful imperfectly perfect new conversation on the podcast.

We also talked about flourishing at the individual and organisational, community and societal level and Gary's own journey as an educator and father over the last 30 years.

Here are some of the information Gary shared with us.

Books and other Readings that been formative for him:

Awakening Genius in the Classroom by Thomas Armstrong

On a Certain Blindness in Human Beings” by William James

Only Connect: The Goals of a Liberal Education”, by William Cronon

The Path to Purpose by William Damon

A Whack on the Side of the Head by Roger Von Oech

The Pleasure of Finding Things Out by Richard Feynman

(as well as the documentary video here)

Other readings:

Anything on the RENVISIONED Medium site created by Prof. Erin Raab

Anything on Monte Syrie’s “Project 180” blog.

Anything on the “Teachers Going Gradeless” website maintained by Arthur Chirarivalli and Aaron Blackwelder.

Anything done by Chris McNutt and Nick Covington for the Human Restoration Project.

Gary's own blogs/websites:

Only Connect (Personal musings, mostly on education, design, design thinking, creativity, etc.
NOVA Lab (a site for a class I co-create with students.  It is based on self-determined, purpose-based learning)

Connect with Gary on social media:


Instagram -- @pvnovalab

Youtube -- Garreth Heidt