In this amazing episode, I speak with Ulcca Joshi Hansen - author of The Future of Smart: How our education systems needs to change to help all young people thrive and Chief Program Officer at Grantmakers for Education.

In our conversation Ulcca told me how we all have our sphere of influence. Education belongs to all of us. Young people grow into the adults who shape the world. And so education is all of our responsibility. We can all ask ourselves: what is my sphere of influence in this? 

She added that it is an intentional choice. We're at a moment where we have no choice but to make a shift. It's both big and small. We have to do this and we can do it if each of us is really intentional about our sphere of influence and doing the small things we can do every day and collectively.

You can check out Ulcca's work on her website Educating Potential