"First you must become aware of your own attitude and how it slants your perceptions. Then you will have the power to alter it, to move it towards a more positive direction. Second, you must not only be aware of the role of your attitude but also believe in its supreme power to alter your circumstances. You are not a pawn in a game controlled by others; you are an active player who can move the pieces at will and even rewrite the rules.” Robert Greene

Today Diane discusses the Law of Self-Sabotage and what you can do to elevate your well-being and live an extraordinary life.

Diane Discusses:

Exploring the limits of your Willpower

Being aware of your Emotional Baggage

What to do to rewrite your Life

You will Learn:

How to change your Mindset

The Road Map to follow

How to be Better not Bitter

Get your notepad out! This episode is filled with great tips to change your destiny and take control of your life. Reframe how you look at setbacks and instead see opportunity for growth.

Episodes Mentioned: -

Episode 017, https://youtu.be/SJPvNYUv5W8

Episode 022, https://youtu.be/syrX0Fb2SDg

Episode 050, https://youtu.be/56hvtWvP3to

#072 - 5 Strategies-The Laws of Human Nature to Unleash your Creative Powers & Live an Inspired Life

Listen to Episode 072    - Watch on YouTube

#070 - Elevate your Perspective

Listen to Episode 070 - Watch on YouTube

Episode 068, Object of Desire (CoCo Chanel) - https://youtu.be/44ywMxqbUGY

Episode 066, Compulsive Behaviour - https://youtu.be/QLAoHETmqfg

Episode 064, See through People's Masks - https://youtu.be/LI9USK5HdV0

Episode 062, Self-Love - https://youtu.be/WkHEGwtPfJ8

Episode 060, Master Your Emotions - https://youtu.be/b_vFVSpTN-Y

Buy Robert Greene's Book: https://flourish.mom/shop-for-books-for-inspiration/


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Trust the process. Trust yourself and your intuition. Live an Inspired Life! Take a moment to share what resonated with you today and remember to Subscribe...you don't want to miss the next chapter!

#RobertGreene #Mindset #Inspired #Flourish #FlourishMom #074

Quotes from Today's show:

"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude." Maya Angelou

"Explore the limits of your willpower to get better" Diane Planidin

"Attitude is a readiness of psyche to act or react in a certain way" Carl Jung

"The struggle is real and the reward for powering through is your goal; happiness is in the pursuit" Diane Planidin

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