Ramón Huidobro of CodeSee joins Doc Searls and Shawn Powers on this episode of FLOSS Weekly. Open source is bigger and wilder than ever, which means onboarding talent to a project is a serious thing. And nobody knows more or better about onboarding than Huidobro of CodeSee, which visualizes dependencies and much more in your codebase. In this episode, Huidobro clues the FLOSS Weekly hosts and listeners into what's involved with visualizing codebases, bringing talent in, working as ensembles and much more.

Hosts: Doc Searls and Shawn Powers

Guest: Ramón Huidobro

Download or subscribe to this show at https://twit.tv/shows/floss-weekly

Think your open source project should be on FLOSS Weekly? Email [email protected].

Thanks to Lullabot's Jeff Robbins, web designer and musician, for our theme music.

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