Ryan Dossey owns 140+ units as a real estate investor and multiple 7-figure businesses.He’s a buy & hold investor who sourced over 150 off-market deals in the past two years. He teaches people how to go direct to seller and find their own off-market deals. He utilizes wholesaling, flipping, and wholesaling to monetize the deals he doesn't want to keep. Ryan is also a car fanatic, click funnels 2 comma club winner, and Navy Spouse.

He’s been featured in Forbes (2x), Entrepreneur (2x), Time, and various other industry podcasts. Lastly, Ryan has the #1 ranking REI company in my market and have acquired over 3MM worth of holdings in 2018. He’s a partner in Stewardship Properties a 9-Figure, multi-market holding company. 


Key takeaways:

In order to solve a problem, stay competitive or generate any kind of revenue for your business, you must have and follow a business model. Ryan shares his business model and why he uses that model. What does Ryan really mean by “follow opportunities as they present themselves?” Why did Ryan get into real estate? Money should never be the reason you venture into anything. Little things such as putting an end to the static circle of; show up, go home, drink beer, repeat can be good reasons! Ryan shares some important reasons people fail or give up when they just get started in real estate. So, what can you do differently to avoid that? You should try to pay more attention to the now than to the future. Of course, the future is important but everything you do in the now determines the results you get in the future. Why does Ryan and Raul think its best to write your business goals? Ryan explains how the amount of money you pay yourself can either grow or kill your business. What is the hardest thing Ryan had to learn in business that completed changed his business orientation? Understanding his why helped Ryan put the right focus on his business. Why money should never be your why. What does Ryan do differently that lets him find great deals and close them at even greater prices! Ryan shares some of the tools he uses to close deals and why they are important for the post covid period. Remember, the number one thing is, if you’re looking for the opportunities or places to find people or add value, you’d find them.


Mentioned in this episode:

How to get started and scale your wholesale business. If you are looking to take the leap and really learn this business online, get started at Wholesale Mastery


Let’s connect:


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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/capitalriseinvestmentsllc/?hl=en

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