Welcome to one of the best podcasts in Creative Real estate. If you are ready for a wild ride into some newly discovered obvious secrets that is holding back about 95% of all real estate entrepreneurs since covid - 19, you are in the exact perfect place right now. This single episode is meticulously crafted to pique your curiosity and provoke your thoughts on why you haven't done your first deal, or aren’t doing more deals using creative financing, so you can be the person everyone else talks about when it comes to snagging all the good deals in your area. We are going to pull back the curtain to reveal some simple mistakes most are making when trying to land deals today. Plus we are going to do what no one else is doing … and super important! Talk about the tricky world of automation, when it works for you, and when it works against you. So if you are ready to become a real estate Maestro (or very skilled), you can't afford to miss one second of this podcast. Hit play now, and let's start the journey together of you becoming a creative real estate wizard!