Get ready, today we are going to tackle questions which are echoing in the minds of rookie investors, and causing millions of dollars to not be made. In an area where traditional real estate is to be believed as the Realtor system (and a monopoly), rumors fly around that Creative Real Estate is unconventional, and borderline illegal. If you want to hear of triumphs and pitfalls, lessons learned, and unexpected twists and turns that come with venturing into the Creative Real Estate territory, this podcast is perfect for you. Find out if the strategies are the ticking time bomb you really think they are, or not. We will guide you through the legal intricacies of these transactions, so you can personally unravel the mysteries that lie just below the surface, and why others don't want you to know them. So, if you are ready to challenge the norms, to question the accepted, and embark on a journey of surprise answers, shocking truth, plus inspire you to actually go financially free, then listen now …