The year’s almost done and at this point, you’ve either reached your quota, are nearing it, or if you’re quite unlucky, nowhere past half. Whether you had a good year or not, the next few weeks should revolve around strategizing and planning for a new year. The best business leaders plan ahead, and young investors such as yourself would only be doing yourselves a favor by following in their footsteps.

What should you plan for, exactly?

How do you prepare for the next 12 months in just a few weeks?

Today, Don and Ryan discuss the critical points in closing this year and preparing for the next. They share some of the goals they want to achieve next year and how they plan to accomplish them. They describe the thought process of business leaders during this time of year as well as how you can review goals with your team or partner. They also provide sound advice on just how high you should set the bar.



“If you're going into a new year without a purpose, you're failing your team.” Don Costa



This Week on FlipTalk’s Rookie Play Book:



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