Welcome to Femmes to the Front! This podcast is about body, fat and gender positivity, fitness, feminism, recovery, risk and crushing it at life.

During this hour, we will talk to Amy Kuretsky! Amy K. is a SUPER bad-ass boss lady and in this hour we discussed:

-Growing up punk and vegan and discovering that the lifestyle aided in chronic illness (no shade to being punk or vegan, obviously- this is just Amy's story!)

- Powerlifting, and training for powerlifting competitions

- Self care, especially for entrepreneurs

- Acupuncture for Crohn's disease and other digestive ailments

- Pairing self-employed hustle with concentrated self-care

You can find Amy on her website and on Instagram.

You can also listen to her podcast, Health fuels hustle!


And now for me!

You can follow me on Instagram

You can visit my blog

You can check out my amazing body, fat, and gender positive gym, soon to be open in Portland, Oregon

  You can email me with podcast questions or inquiries about coaching (olympic lifting, power lifting, interval training, etc.) at [email protected]. I currently have space for private, semi-private and group class clients.     ----   Keywords! fitness, feminism, punk, entrepreneurship, powerlifting, body positive, acupuncture