If you have any questions you would like us to answer, please reach out on Twitter, @FixingFaxes.

We discuss the pressure that is often put on founders to sink your lives into your company and the toll that takes. Even for people who reject the "exhaustion as a badge of honor" culture, it's really hard to find balance particularly during COVID.

Justin Jackson tweeted, "The best thing you can do for yourself (and your business) is to give yourself more margin in your life" with a link to his original article "Good business have margin". We talk about how little margin or buffer we have.

Find Us Online

Angela Hapke - @angelahapke - https://www.clinnect.ca

Jonathan Bowers - @thejonotron - https://www.twostoryrobot.com


Produced by Jonathan Bowers and Angela Hapke

Music by Andrew Codeman (CC BY 3.0)


Jonathan: [00:00:00] maybe we should take some questions from listeners.

Angela: [00:00:03] Love that. Yes. Okay.

So are we putting it out there to listeners to ask us questions

Jonathan: [00:00:09] Yeah. How do they get ahold of


Angela: [00:00:10] well on Twitter @FixingFaxes

Yeah. DM us on Twitter.

Jonathan: [00:00:20] Yeah. Or ask a question like just reply public reply. That's fine too.

Angela: [00:00:24] Yes. I also think a lot of the people listening, uh, know us personally. So,

Jonathan: [00:00:29] Yes. You can also just fire off a message to one of us.

Angela: [00:00:35] I was so focused on getting Kristy and Tim on as guests that I'm like, Oh yeah, we needed a topic for today.

Jonathan: [00:00:43] Oh, well, um, are we prepared? Sweet?

Introduction [00:00:49]

you're listening to Fixing Faxes a podcast on the journey of building a digital health startup with your hosts, myself, Jonathan Bowers.

Angela: [00:00:57] And I'm Angela Hapke. So I don't know what kind of list we got on. But my LinkedIn and my emails are being hit with all these people that want to help us grow and, um, look for the use of word, accelerate a lot and venture money and all this kind of stuff, but it's very focused on, um, them helping us try and find money.

So do you know what I do?

Jonathan: [00:01:30] do you just hit spam?

Angela: [00:01:32] I actually have replied a few times saying, thank you for your interest. I have no interest in pursuing this right now. If you'd like to hear more check out this podcast about where I talk about bootstrapping, instead of looking for additional funding.

Jonathan: [00:01:48] You're channeling that into, you're trying to farm listens out of spam.

Angela: [00:01:56] They clearly have not done their research. And so they should do the research

Jonathan: [00:02:02] That's funny. I I've been getting a ton of different kinds of email, um, because my email address is the one that shows up. I th I think it's like linked to the

podcast somehow. Um, so, but I get it chests or, sorry, I get emails about podcast stuff. Like we can help you grow your podcasts. We can help you share your podcasts.

We can help you do this with the podcast. Um, we'd love to have, we'd love to have our, uh, Our, uh, we have an extensive list of high, high profile guests that would love to be featured on your podcast. And it's so

irrelevant and so spammy. but if anyone is feeling like super, super lonely in their inbox, just start a podcast, you will get a ton of great comments from people and they're getting kind of tricky, like

Angela: [00:02:44] Oh, like you're you're you're are you almost convinced?

Jonathan: [00:02:49] um, so, so I like the ones that are not trying to trick me, but are using really clever, like really clever tools are really clever. Uh, techniques to get my attention. I really dislike the ones that are trying to trick me. Like the ones that the ones that come through is as a, like, it looks like a forward from some underling at an employee.

And the forward is like, Uh, the CEO saying like, Hey, you should check out Jonathan from Two Story Robot and, or you should check out Jonathan from the, from the, uh, fixing faxes podcast. Um, I think, I think it'd be a great to work with. And then, and then that person sends me that email and then comments.

It's like, Hey, my boss told me to reach out to you. Like what bunch of bull, whooey is that.

Angela: [00:03:24] Wow. That's a, that's something else. You got to flip that script. Just do what I


Jonathan: [00:03:31] I just, I just Mark them as spam.

Angela: [00:03:33] now. I know just bugging you is getting listeners that have my, uh, my spam.

Jonathan: [00:03:39] I do like that though. I'm going to try that. I'm going to try that.

Angela: [00:03:42] Well they're very specifically asking me about something that we released a podcast saying that we wouldn't do right now. So I'm like, well, if you want to learn more about it, then listen to this podcast because I go into exactly why I'm not looking for money right now. Oh my goodness. Sorry. I have stuff at my teeth and it's gross. I'm so glad we're not recording the video. It's just

Jonathan: [00:04:06] Do you so let's get real vulnerable now. Cause you just picked your teeth in front of me. Um,

Angela: [00:04:11] Sorry,

Jonathan: [00:04:13] I like sometimes go back

Angela: [00:04:14] doing?

Jonathan: [00:04:17] and then like pick the

Angela: [00:04:19] Alright,

Jonathan: [00:04:20] yeah. And the back of the, yeah,

Angela: [00:04:23] I get it. I just did that in

Jonathan: [00:04:25] It's like you get that like fresh from the dentist, feeling at home with your fingernails because,

Angela: [00:04:30] Cause those are clean.

Jonathan: [00:04:31] and that's what you're supposed to be doing is

Angela: [00:04:33] Right now in your mouth

Jonathan: [00:04:36] just right in there.

Angela: [00:04:37] Oh no, don't do it wrong.

Jonathan: [00:04:40] on the topic of hands in your mouth, um, children just sneezed directly into your face and mouth, nose, eyeballs, and ears.

Angela: [00:04:47] Yeah. They're gross. Kids are gross.

Jonathan: [00:04:50] I'm going to get sick. I'm pretty sure. Um, which is fine. Cause I. Don't have, I don't go anywhere. Don't go anywhere. See anyone, but Julie can't.

Angela: [00:05:02] Julie, can't get sick.


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