Show Notes

In the intro Jonathan discusses the fall detection used in his Apple watch, if you are interested in learning more about this feature or how to turn it on then check out this link:

Since recording this episode Angela has actually achieved the 10,000 step mark many times according to her Suunto 3 watch. She is still trying to get evening walks in.

Fact Check

Surprisingly Angela does not spew random statistics this episode, so there was not much to fact check.

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Angela Hapke - @angelahapke -

Jonathan Bowers - @thejonotron -


Produced by Jonathan Bowers and Angela Hapke

Music by Andrew Codeman (CC BY 3.0)


[00:00:00] Angela: This is fun.

[00:00:03] Jonathan: That's how you that's. I think that's, um, like journalist broadcaster thing. Like you just put your face right in the mic and just click your tongue.

[00:00:14] Angela: You have no idea.

[00:00:16]Jonathan: I honestly have no idea.

[00:00:17] Angela: Yeah, I know. You can tell


[00:00:20]Jonathan: Hi, I'm Jonathan Bowers. I am a software developer and uh, Oh, I, uh, I fell down the stairs.

[00:00:28]I had Zach in my hand and it scared me

[00:00:30] Angela: He's okay?

[00:00:31] Jonathan: He's okay. Everyone's okay. I have a little bit of rug burn on my, uh, on my elbow, but I'm fine. Just a little bit of a bruised ego. And I don't understand how I've slipped down the stairs. Like I'm pretty cautious, not cautious, but like I don't, I don't fall down the stairs ever.

[00:00:46] Like the first time I've done that.

[00:00:48] Angela: That's why it's called an accident.

[00:00:50] Jonathan: Yeah, I guess. So anyways, I was impressed with the Apple Watch's ability to detect the fall and it suggested that I call 911

[00:00:57] Angela: I love that. why don't we have Apple watches on all our old people?

[00:01:01] Jonathan: I don't know.

[00:01:02] Super cool.

[00:01:03] Angela: That is cool.

[00:01:05]So my name is Angela Hapke, and I am the CEO of Central Referral Solutions and speaking about smartwatches, I got Suunto Watch for Mother's Day and I am yet to hit 10,000 steps a day

[00:01:24]You have to go for walks in the evening. You have to deliberately go and get steps.

[00:01:29] Jonathan, I do. I go for freaking walks in the evening. It just, it adds about like three or 4,000 steps, but I'm just still not getting enough.

[00:01:44]Jonathan:  I had one day when I was legitimately less than 500 steps for the entire day. I think I was sick.

[00:01:53] Angela: I was going to say, were you in bed all day?

[00:01:55] Jonathan: I was in bed all day.

[00:01:56] Angela: Yeah. That's why he was sick.

[00:01:59] Jonathan: I thought, for sure, just casual, like just ambient walking. I would have picked up some extras more than 500 steps, but Nope.

[00:02:08] Angela: that's. That's amazing.

[00:02:11] Jonathan: Ambient walking.

[00:02:12] Angela: Ambient walking.

[00:02:14]Clinnect is launched

[00:02:14] Jonathan: Okay so we've launched Clinnect uh how do you spell how do you spell that how do you spell Clinnect ?

[00:02:21] Angela: C L I nope

[00:02:25] Jonathan: That's right.

[00:02:26] Angela: it is sorry. I'm like my brain somewhere else. And I thought, uh,

[00:02:31] C L I N N E C T

[00:02:35] Jonathan: Clinnect it's like clinic and connect smushed together.

[00:02:39] Angela: You got it.

[00:02:40]We launched it last week.

[00:02:43] Jonathan: Not a full launch, a soft launch.

[00:02:46] Angela: Sure a product like ours, I'm not sure launches largely easily. It's it is more of a, it is more of an iterative launch. So we just, we brought on her first umm users on Friday so many, many years ago, I I've, I've dreamed about this.

[00:03:09] Like I have dreamed about this for many years. I've dreamt about being the CEO of a startup, launching a product. And when I dreamed about this, the images that were in my mind were. We, you know, we would, I would be in an office with a team and there would be high fives that day champagne, and we would be celebrating.

[00:03:40] And I launched on Friday sitting alone in my basement.

[00:03:49] And there was nobody, but we need high five because way too early in the day to drink shopping by myself. So,

[00:04:00] Jonathan: That sounds like that makes me sad.

[00:04:04] Angela: but it's actually, so. It didn't make me sad because at the end of the day is still like, the dream is still there. Like the idea, we still did something incredible and amazing, but I think it's also indicative of many things I've been reflecting on recently. Around this, this dream and what I thought that it looked like 10 years ago and what it actually looks like in reality now is I always thought I would have time to lean into these amazing pieces of the business, uh, and take my time and be thoughtful and meaningful around all these decisions and put effort and just all this additional time.

[00:04:54] Leading up to the launch. I had my kids home 24 seven. There was no additional extra time or energy because I was exhausted to lean into these things. Like I was sure I was going to have this beautiful marketing website up to showcase the product and launch it. And I thought, Oh, I'm going to be so meaningful.

[00:05:20] And the people that I reach out to and talk about this with, and it just, there was, there's just no time. And, and COVID like, talk about a time to launch a product. This is crazy. And so all those things. And so as soon as I let go of that ridiculous dream that I had 10 years ago and went well, that was nice.

[00:05:42] That was cute. That you had that dream and that was a fun thing to focus on and it allowed you to get here. Reality looks very different and that's okay because at the end of the day, we're still doing what we said that we would do. And it's still important.

[00:05:57]What does Clinnect Actually Do?

[00:05:57]Jonathan: What's the thing that we're doing. What does Clinnect do? It's in healthcare, but what is ultimately boil it down to a couple of sentences or a short paragraph? What is Clinnect?

[00:06:12]Angela:  Clinnect was built out of ...

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