Show Notes

In this episode we talk about different grants, contributions, tax incentives, and non-equity financing that there is available in Canada, specifically British Columbia and how it has helped our businesses. Here is a list of the grants/programs/incentives that we discuss and links to find out more information:

NRC-IRAP - Industrial Research Assistance Program

Youth employment grants through IRAP- Youth Employment, Venture for Canada, & New Ventures BC & Innovate BC.

SRED (Scientific Research and Experimental Development) Tax program The company Angela mentions in the episode which specializes in SRED claims is Infinity SRED

There are many contests & competitions to apply for, if you are interested in more information we suggest starting to take a look at organizations that support the type of contest/competition you might be interested in.

Incentives and contributions are great, we have used them along the way when they fit with work we were already undertaking. Just remember, it is better to focus on your product and less on distractions.

Fact Check

Jonathan mentions he is into a new marble league, if you are interested in checking it out it is in fact called Jelle's Marble Runs and can be found on YouTube.

Find Us Online

Angela Hapke - @angelahapke -

Jonathan Bowers - @thejonotron -


Produced by Jonathan Bowers and Angela Hapke

Music by Andrew Codeman (CC BY 3.0)


Jonathan: When you move, when you move the arm, it makes this like sound like, check this out. Like when you hear that, Oh, whoops.

[00:00:10] Angela: Totally.

[00:00:10] Introduction

You are listening to Fixing Faxes, a podcast on the journey of building a digital health startup with your hosts, myself. Angela Hapke

[00:00:22] Jonathan: And I'm Jonathan Bowers and we have been infatuated with Marble League.

[00:00:30] Angela: I don't know what this

[00:00:30]Jonathan: it is the best sports to watch while there is no sports. Although the risk sports now, I actually discovered it last year, but I didn't watch it until, COVID times.

[00:00:38] Cause I didn't think Julie would enjoy it, but she really likes it. So imagine, imagine, imagine the Olympics, but if if the athletes were marbles. Yeah. So they, they like set up these, these courses and they put marbles at the top and the marbles just there's a machine that like releases them at the same time and the marbles go racing down the track.

[00:01:00] Angela: Okay.

[00:01:01]Jonathan:  but, but they have teams, so they have teams that are named.

[00:01:04] So I'm a fan of the O'Rangers. They're the orange team. And Julie likes the Misty maniacs because they look like, or know the minty. minty maniacs. They're minty colored. Cause she likes mint and it is phenomenally exciting to watch and you get very emotionally involved in it.

[00:01:22] If you pick a team it's so much fun. Yeah. And there's like there's drama

[00:01:29] Angela: I'm so confused about like, given, okay. So, Oh, there's so many questions I have. Where do I start? Given the race? Like the track or the course?

[00:01:44] Does a team pick a certain marble.

[00:01:48] Jonathan: Yes. So some of them, some of them are, like there's some, some events that require the whole team. Like there's, um, there's a, a push event. Like it's a strength event and they all raced down and they have to push this thing along the track. And the further it goes the higher your rankings are.

[00:02:03] Um, but then there's ones that are just, Like you're competing with all the other teams. And so there's just one marble and all the marbles have names. Yeah, they do. my favorite team names is team Momo and I don't understand marbles at all, but there's a team called team Momo.

[00:02:16] And one of the, the team captain, his name is Momo. but then there's Mo Momo. There's another marble on team. Momo. It's super fun.

[00:02:25] Angela: so captains are real people?

[00:02:29]Jonathan: No everyone is marbles. they're all marbles. The referees are marbles. There's a whole like stadium of marbles, I that cheer and they hold up a little marble signs

[00:02:36]Angela: And what, sorry, what is it called again?

[00:02:40]Jonathan: It's it's called, Jelle Marble League. I think it's the name of the person who created Jelle's Marble League.

[00:02:51] Angela: I want to say that I'm going to go check this out, but I'm really not sure that I'm going to

[00:02:55] go check this out. Do you think my daughter would think this is funny too?

[00:02:59] Jonathan: I think so. I think if you watched it with her

[00:03:01] Angela: Like there's no bad words in it.

[00:03:03] Jonathan: no, it's

[00:03:04] Angela: Okay.

[00:03:05] Jonathan: Um, You need to pick a team though, like go from the opening ceremonies. There's an opening ceremonies. Pick it. Yeah. There's an opening ceremonies. Pick a team, like decide on just some random team and that's the team you're going to

[00:03:17] Angela: You got to stick with

[00:03:18] Jonathan: It's awesome. Like, there'll be a, there'll be a moment where your team like comes back from the, from the back of the pack and overtakes, and you're going to cheer. I promise you you're going to cheer. So I think, I didn't think Julie would think this was funny or fun or anything, but she really likes it.

[00:03:32] And, uh, we've been watching John Oliver and he he's sponsored the whole season. Yeah. So it's, it's a marble league presented by the, uh, Yeah, John Oliver, and every, every episode, a $5,000 donation gets made to a food bank in the name of one of the marble teams that wins

[00:03:54] Angela: I love it. That's actually quite cute.

[00:03:56]Grants and Goverment Funding

[00:03:56] Jonathan: Yeah. It's super fun. Love to see how we transition out of marbles into something.

[00:04:00] Angela: Oh, Lordy.

[00:04:01] Well, so today's episode might put you to sleep. We're ...

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