Previous Episode: Referrals Refresher
Next Episode: Q&A Part 1

Show Notes

Leaders are commonly praised for their creativity, Angela opens up about feeling less creative during COVID. Jonathan talks about finding a secret to increasing energy levels. They discuss the common thread of exhaustion, creativity, renovations, and alone time during COVID.

Angela mentions GoCleanCo, she mentions a Twitter account however Angela actually found her on Instagram. At the end they mention Angela's daughter cut over 10 inches of her hair off and donated it to Wigs for Kids BC.

Find Us Online

Angela Hapke - @angelahapke -

Jonathan Bowers - @thejonotron -


Produced by Jonathan Bowers and Angela Hapke

Music by Andrew Codeman (CC BY 3.0)


Jonathan: [00:00:00] I need help figuring out a topic.

Angela: [00:00:02] please. My husband was no help.

Jonathan: [00:00:05] Uh, uh, uh, I don't know what a proce pro Proust provost questionnaire is.

Angela: [00:00:15] Like the writer

Jonathan: [00:00:17] I don't know he's talking to an uncultured. Um, man, I dunno. Proust

Angela: [00:00:24] don't hide behind your gender to say whether you're cultured or not. Come on.

Jonathan: [00:00:33] I don't know who provost is.

Angela: [00:00:36] Yeah. It's okay.

Jonathan: [00:00:40] judged.

Angela: [00:00:41] No. Uh, yes, there was, um, a little bit of judgment there. It was fine. My husband was like this up.

Yeah, perhaps there, he also did not know who it was.

Jonathan: [00:00:54] Okay, sweet. So we're, uh, so far the two things we have in common is we don't know who that is, and we're both men.

Angela: [00:01:02] Oh no, that is all true.

Introduction [00:01:08]

Jonathan: [00:01:09] you're listening to fixing faxes, a podcast on the journey to building a digital health startup with your hosts. Jonathan Bowers

Angela: [00:01:18] uh, yeah, I gave three options.

Jonathan: [00:01:22] yeah. Talk through our meeting today regarding the attention screen and why we push hard on some designs. That sounds good. Staying creative as a leader during COVID. I'm not sure what you mean by that. Um, and doing some kind of questionnaire from a writer or a poet, did you say a poet or a writer?

Angela: [00:01:39] I thought post was a poet and a

Jonathan: [00:01:41] You don't even know.

It's like, yeah. You know, Hemingway. Oh yeah. I don't know what he's written. I have no idea. I know he's a person and he used to frequent, uh, Cuba

Angela: [00:01:54] Are you being serious? You don't know. Okay.

Jonathan: [00:02:00] judge, all you want

Angela: [00:02:01] I'm not judging. Actually. I'm

Jonathan: [00:02:03] Vee who has not watched star Wars.

Angela: [00:02:06] update. I am on the last one.

Jonathan: [00:02:11] really like the, um, what is the last one?

Angela: [00:02:16] Well, like episode nine, I am on episode. No, um, Oh, Skywalker returns. Uh, the rise of Skywalker. Skywalker is something. And I don't know

Jonathan: [00:02:32] Have you enjoyed them?

Angela: [00:02:35] I'm going to be very Frank and honest. The ones that were done in the nineties were very bad. God.

Jonathan: [00:02:41] Oh, come on.

Angela: [00:02:45] Chronologically the first three released were, were fun and cool. The next three

Jonathan: [00:02:52] Oh, sorry. The nineties. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. The prequels.

Angela: [00:02:56] awful.

Jonathan: [00:02:57] Ah, they're great.

Angela: [00:02:58] Nope. And I'm quite enjoying the last three.

Jonathan: [00:03:02] Good.

Angela: [00:03:03] Yeah. I mean, they have very strong female, like lead characters. I'm loving Ray. I'm loving Leah. I'm loving. I'm just loving it.

Jonathan: [00:03:15] Did you watch rogue one?

Angela: [00:03:17] no, no.

Jonathan: [00:03:18] What?

Angela: [00:03:20] Was I supposed to, I thought I was supposed to finish all nine and then watch the what?

Jonathan: [00:03:28] no.

Angela: [00:03:29] Oh, okay.

Jonathan: [00:03:31] You have made a mistake and now you must watch them again.

Angela: [00:03:35] no. I will watch rogue one

Jonathan: [00:03:38] you should watch rogue one though.

You can watch it. It doesn't matter when you watch it, but you do need to watch that you don't need to watch him the solo, the solo. It kind of sucks, but you could watch, you can watch real quick. It's the best. I think it's the best. One of all of them.

Angela: [00:03:52] Okay. Okay.

Jonathan: [00:03:53] it's not even like the Skywalker saga Uh, so are we going to talk about this? Like w what, what do you want to talk about here?

Angela: [00:04:04] No, uh,

Staying Creative During COVID [00:04:08]

Jonathan: [00:04:08] what do you mean by, um, staying creative? .

Angela: [00:04:11] So the two things that I wrote down here were, um, today we had a meeting regarding, well, basically changing the whole look of clinic when the customer opens clinic for the first time. and the whole idea of transparency talking about like how we build clinics and how we make these changes in the app and things like that. I thought this might be a good one. So that's what I was thinking about talking about today because we really kind of.

We threw up a design today that was like, and then we threw it out and I thought that might be an interesting thing

Jonathan: [00:04:52] Uh, yeah, sure. I mean, I love talking about that kind of stuff, I feel like that is related to the second thing that you wrote down here, which is the, the other point that you felt we might talk about, which is staying creative as a leader during COVID,

Angela: [00:05:04] I think this is more of like a personal issue that I'm

Jonathan: [00:05:07] Oh, okay. Maybe we should get the wine

Angela: [00:05:13] Maybe that is another day when we get the white. Yeah. I'm feeling really, um, I'm having a really hard time and these are like not big problems. Let's be very clear during this time, but I like to think of myself as a pretty creative individual and I am having a lot of issues lately with how to...

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