The first rule of negotiating: STOP SELLING TIME!

Your work should not be on an hourly or even yearly rate based on how many hours you are in a building or doing work. What you bring to the table in your career is valuable so sell its value!

This week I talk about....

- How selling time will cap what you can earn in your 9-5

- Why you should be selling RESULTS in your career and how to do it

- How when I stopped selling time my salary doubled

- What I did to negotiate full time money for part time hours in my corporate job and how my clients are doing the same

- What you need to do to get out of the constant loop of selling time

There are only a certain amount of hours in the day if you're selling time you will spend most of them working and burnt out before you can even enjoy the money you're making

“Create Your Own Lane” my 1:1 coaching program
is open for 2024! Click the link below to book your free call with me so we can start getting you on the right track to a better career and better money click here

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Instagram: @coachadellet  

LinkedIn: Adelle Thompson |LinkedIn