Today on the show we have 17 year Fire Service veteran, and Army veteran, Chad Belger. In addition to his life as a firefighter, Chad has taken his passion for Fitness, as well as some really hard earned life lessons, and has created a nonprofit organization called Recovery RX whose mission is to bring health and wellness into the lives of men and woman struggling with substance abuse disorder.

Here to share his heartfelt journey from a life of addiction and despair to one full of love, faith and hope for a brighter future not only for himself but those who are currently in the same path he went down.

Join Dr. Bob each week as he chats with some of the most fascinating people in Gainesville, Florida. It’s amazing how many of our local friends and colleagues have found ways of overcoming obstacles and set backs to achieve their goals without any of the fanfare. The common thread of all of the show guests is fitness, but the range of topics will vary from week to week
Watch our episode at anytime here 👇🏻
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