Today’s show is a mash up! I’m joined by 3 of my friends in Fitness, George Seemon, Bernie Acosta and Amanda Bietila. We’re going to discuss a wide range of topics from upcoming local fitness competitions, what each of us do for recovery and supplementation, we’ll also get an update from George on his dog, Olivia, and the results of her recent Whole Foods mascot competition. Bernie and I had a conversation recently about the importance of finding time for male bonding and the deleterious affects of NOT programming it into our busy schedules. And we’ll also talk with Amanda about getting back to training after having kids. So before I eat up all of our time, say hi to George, Bernie and Amanda!

Thanks for joining us today. So if you’re looking for some way to use your fitness this weekend, jump in one one of the events we discussed or just get outside and enjoy the great weather coming our way! If you have a question or comment on anything we discussed here, drop us a DM and we’ll be sure to cover it next go around.
Have a Great week!

Join Dr. Bob each week as he chats with some of the most fascinating people in Gainesville, Florida. It’s amazing how many of our local friends and colleagues have found ways of overcoming obstacles and set backs to achieve their goals without any of the fanfare. The common thread of all of the show guests is fitness, but the range of topics will vary from week to week
Watch our episode at anytime here 👇🏻
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