Hello & Welcome to my The Coach Jennie, where I make Personal Growth a ways of life!

Mental Fitness is our desire to train our mind, body and soul.  It's true - the when people hear the word "fitness" we automatically think sweaty workouts.

Well to be honest - we need to workout our brain as much as we workout our physical body.

Mindset SPARK ⚡️Mental Fitness Academy is a 35-Day (5 week program) created to help Women Achieve Greatness.  This 1:1 private coaching experience will help guide you through rewiring limiting beliefs, rebuilding confidence and regaining personal power!

Click to learn more ~~~> Mindset SPARK ⚡️ Mental Fitness Academy

Let's Get Started

❤️  September is Self-Care Month ❤️ 

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Jennie Jordan | Holistic Wellness | Life Strategist
🌱 Guides Women Through A Holistic Journey
👱🏼‍♀️ Ayurveda Practitioner Student 🚴🏼‍♀️ 1/2 Blind Athlete
🏆 1K Client Wins - It’s Your Turn ⇩
Private & Group Coaching ➡️ links.thecoachjennie.com/social