Hello & Welcome to my The Coach Jennie, where I make Personal Growth a ways of life!

Ahh yes, my early 20's when I was invincible! Nothing could beat me and I was the best. Well I learned quickly how that behavior mentality burned down my health and turned me into a b*tchy monster. Not only mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically - I was a mess!

I turned to my own skills and knowledge (because you know, practice what you preach) and I just journaled everything that was on my mind.  

When our Mind is Full of negativity there is no room for growth and new experiences, when you embrace a more mindful approach - it's amazing how everything can change. 

Let's take the journey together! Join my 5-week Mindset SPARK Mental Fitness Academy!


Goddess Sisterhood (Women's Mastermind): bit.ly/3gcaoCA

Mindset SPARK Mental Fitness Academy: bit.ly/3AmqHFd 

FREE Coaching Community on WhatsAPP: bit.ly/2Uy6s7P

Website & Links: www.thecoachjennie.com/links

Let's Get Started

❤️  September is Self-Care Month ❤️ 

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Jennie Jordan | Holistic Wellness | Life Strategist
🌱 Guiding Women To Life Fulfillment
🏆 Mindset, Confidence & Goal Alignment
👱🏼‍♀️ Ayurveda Student 🚴🏼‍♀️ Athlete🎙Podcaster
Private & Group Coaching ➡️ links.thecoachjennie.com/social