It's just you and me today! I hop that's okay but I wanted to answer a lot of your questions and share with you my latest hack that has helped to cut back sugar cravings instantly. 

I don't know why it took so long to figure this out.

Oh and I might get on my soap box about why I don't have babies. And plans for babies. Sorry for the honesty! 

I'm also answering your questions: 

Thoughts on 18.2
Does Dan workout as hard as I do? What's his style of fitness?
Why do I fast each morning and does it affect my workouts?
Favorite workout gear?
Favorite Charleston restaurants?
Favorite instagram profiles for fitness inspiration? 

Listen in and let me know your thoughts. Head to to sign up for Fierce for FREE! Free workouts, training and intensity. 

Love the episode? Help by leaving a quick review on iTunes (even a single sentence makes a difference).

Every day I'm sharing all sorts of fun stuff on social media. Join the group! Instagram & Facebook.


Instagram: @TrainerKindal

Email: [email protected]