Diversity is a word that we throw out there a lot but not something we really delve into. Luckily, there has been a big rise in diversity initiatives, and with that, positions like Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officers. This week I chat with Alexis Robertson, diversity and inclusion officer at Baker & McKenzie, and I ask her some of the hard questions about the real challenges in diversity and how we really combat diversity, and more importantly, how that completely changes the health of not only the attorney but the legal industry. We also chat a little bit about juggling work and life, especially as a mother, because if you didn’t know already, I am right in the middle of my second trimester by the time this episode comes out. I think this conversation is not just for female attorneys; it’s for all attorneys who are juggling a million things at once. Because pregnancy is just one of many examples of what life throws at us on top of being attorneys and trying to be stellar attorneys for our clients. We get real about all things professional, mental, and physical health in this episode. Hope you enjoy.