#11 - Bible study - Come join us in Matthew chapter 2. Bad things happen, prayer and waiting on God and much more. Make sure you share your takeaways as we are all growing in our faith together. 

Remember we are sharing our real honest journey of reading the Bible again and wanted to share pieces of what we are learning along the way.

If you enjoyed this video and want the full bible study and short effective home workouts -  Come join us for Bible study and fitness to glorify God - https://www.fitsoulboss.com/fit-soul-movement

Sending you so much love. Please share this episode with anyone who needs it. 

Thank you for your support and for helping us make God's name known!

Show notes go here - https://purelytwins.com/2020/09/17/matthew-chapter-2-bible-study-beginners-bad-things-happen/


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