After being thrown out of a Las Vegas hotel in a drunken haze, jeopardizing his career and relationships, Nick Klingensmith had to make a change. A 4-time cancer survivor, type-1 diabetic, and recovering alcoholic with 4 herniated discs, nerve damage, and sleep apnea, he defies it all when he finds Obstacle Course Racing. Refusing to accept his circumstances, he finishes numerous obstacle races, the Boston and Chicago Marathons, and the Spartan Ultra, culminating in 127 miles of endurance racing in 6 weeks. This isn’t just a story about a drunk, diabetic cancer patient who overcomes adversity to become a mediocre, middle-aged athlete. His story focuses less on physical achievements and more on his mental and spiritual approach to overcoming life’s challenges. Nick is a raw and passionate storyteller who holds nothing back when revealing who he used to be and the person he is now. The circumstances he faces show others that they are not alone and that they too can defy their limitations.


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